Ka ts'ebetso ea ho qhibiliha, ka lebaka la litekanyetso tse sa lokelang kapa ho tjhaja le decarbonization e feteletseng le mabaka a mang, ka linako tse ling carbon content ka tšepe kapa tšepe ha e finyelle litlhoko tse lebeletsoeng, joale ho hlokahala hore ho be le carburize tšepe kapa tšepe ea metsi.Lintho tse ka sehloohong tse sebelisoang haholo bakeng sa carburizing ke phofo ea anthracite, tšepe ea kolobe e entsoeng ka carburized, phofo ea electrode, petroleum coke powder, asphalt coke, charcoal powder le coke powder.Litlhoko tsa carburizer ke hore ha ho na le carbon content e tsitsitseng, ho molemo, le ho theola litaba tsa litšila tse kotsi tse kang molora, lintho tse sa tsitsang le sebabole, ho molemo, e le hore li se ke tsa silafatsa tšepe.
Ho qhibiliha ha li-castings ho sebelisa recarburizer ea boleng bo holimo ka mor'a ho chesoa ha mocheso o phahameng oa coke ea oli e nang le litšila tse fokolang, e leng sehokelo sa bohlokoahali ts'ebetsong ea carburizing.Boleng ba recarburizer bo lekanya boleng ba tšepe ea metsi, hape bo etsa qeto ea hore na phello ea graphitization e ka fumanoa.Ka bokhutšoanyane, ho fokotsa shrinkage recarburizer ho phetha karolo ea bohlokoa.
Ha litšepe tsohle li qhibilihisoa ka seboping sa motlakase, ho khethoa recarburizer e kentsoeng graphitized, 'me recarburizer e kentsoeng ka mocheso o phahameng e ka fetola liathomo tsa khabone ho tloha tlhophisong ea pele e sa sebetseng ho ea ho tlhophiso ea lakane, mme graphite ea lakane e ka ba eona e ntle ka ho fetisisa. motheo oa graphite nucleation ho khothaletsa graphitization.Ka hona, re lokela ho khetha recarburizer e 'nileng ea phekoloa ka mocheso o phahameng oa graphitization.Ka lebaka la kalafo e phahameng ea mocheso oa graphitization, litaba tsa sebabole li hlahisoa ho phonyoha ha khase ea SO2 le ho fokotsa.Ka hona, litaba tsa sebabole tsa recarburizer ea boleng bo holimo li tlase haholo, hangata li ka tlase ho 0.05%, 'me tse ntle li ka tlase ho 0.03%.Ka nako e ts'oanang, sena hape ke pontšo e sa tobang ea hore na e 'nile ea phekoloa ka mocheso o phahameng oa graphitization le hore na graphitization e ntle.Haeba recarburizer e khethiloeng e sa tšoaroe ka mocheso o phahameng, bokhoni ba nucleation ea graphite bo fokotsehile haholo, 'me bokhoni ba graphitization bo fokotsehile, le haeba tekanyo e lekanang ea carbon e ka finyelloa, empa liphello li fapane ka ho feletseng.
Seo ho thoeng ke recarburizer ke ho eketsa ka katleho lihlahisoa tsa carbon ka har'a tšepe ea metsi ka mor'a ho eketsa, kahoo lihlahisoa tsa carbon tse tsitsitseng tsa recarburizer ha lia lokela ho ba tlaase haholo, ho seng joalo ho finyella lintho tse itseng tsa carbon, u lokela ho eketsa lihlahisoa tse ngata ho feta tse phahameng. -carbon recarburizer, eo ntle ho pelaelo e eketsang palo ea lintho tse ling tse sa thabiseng ka har'a carburizer, e le hore tšepe ea metsi e se ke ea fumana phaello e ntle.
Sebabole se tlase, nitrogen le hydrogen elements ke senotlolo sa ho thibela tlhahiso ea li-pores tsa naetrojene ka har'a li-castings, kahoo litaba tsa naetrojene tsa recarburizer li hlokahala hore li be tlase kamoo ho ka khonehang.
Lipontšo tse ling tsa recarburizer, joalo ka bongata ba mongobo, molora, li-volatiles, palo e tlase ea khabone e tsitsitseng, palo e phahameng ea khabone e tsitsitseng, kahoo palo e phahameng ea khabone e tsitsitseng, litaba tsa likarolo tsena tse kotsi ha lia lokela ho ba teng. hodimo.
Bakeng sa mekhoa e fapaneng ea ho qhibiliha, mefuta ea sebōpi le boholo ba sebōpi se qhibilihang, ho bohlokoa hape ho khetha boholo bo nepahetseng ba karoloana ea recarburizer, e ka ntlafatsang ka katleho sekhahla sa ho monya le sekhahla sa ho monya ha recarburizer ka tšepe ea metsi, le ho qoba oxidation le oxidation. tahlehelo e tukang ya carburizer e bakoang ke boholo bo nyane haholo.Karolo ea eona ea boholo bo molemo ka ho fetisisa: sebōpi sa 100kg se ka tlase ho 10mm, sebōpi sa 500kg se ka tlase ho 15mm, 1.5 tonne sebōpi se ka tlaase ho 20mm, sebōpi sa lithane tse 20 se ka tlase ho 30mm.Ho smelting ea converter, ha tšepe e phahameng ea carbon e sebelisoa, recarburizer e nang le litšila tse fokolang e sebelisoa.Litlhoko tsa "recarburizer" tse sebelisoang ka holimo ho fehla tšepe ea ho fetola tšepe ke k'habone e tsitsitseng e phahameng, litaba tse tlase tsa molora, tse feto-fetohang le sebabole, phosphorus, naetrojene le litšila tse ling, le boholo bo omileng, bo hloekileng, bo itekanetseng.Khabone ea eona e tsitsitseng C≥96%, lihlahisoa tse fokolang ≤1.0%, S≤0.5%, mongobo ≤0.5%, boholo ba likaroloana ka 1-5mm.Haeba boholo ba likaroloana bo le botle haholo, bo bonolo ho chesa, 'me haeba bo le mahoashe haholo, bo phaphamala holim'a tšepe e metsi' me ha ho bonolo ho monngoa ke tšepe e qhibilihisitsoeng.Bakeng sa boholo ba sebōpi sa induction ka 0.2-6mm, e leng tšepe le tse ling tse ntšo tsa tšepe tse entsoeng ka 1.4-9.5mm, tšepe e phahameng ea carbon e hloka naetrojene e tlaase, boholo ba likaroloana ka 0.5-5mm joalo-joalo.Tlhokahalo e khethehileng ho ea ka mofuta o khethehileng oa ho qhibilihisa mofuta oa sebōpi le lintlha tse ling kahlolo e khethehileng le khetho.
Nako ea poso: Aug-25-2023